06 December 2011

Calendar 2012

Hi everyone!
My new post is about my new Calendar! I decided to make something different, as I've been making lots of cards before Christmas. And here is the result: I made a Calendar for the upcoming 2012! I love to combine materials and colour, so this time I used some colourful papers, cardstock, ribbons, buttons, cardboard, newspaper, tapes, string, stickers, laces, patterned papers, artificial flowers and maybe even more :-)
It would be great if you could leave a comment and tell me what you think!
Thank you so much for visiting!
Hugs, Lucia xxx

Som tu s ďalším novým príspevkom, tentokrát s mojím novým kalendárom! Keďže sa blížia Vianoce, v polsedných dňoch som vyrábala veľa vianočných pohľadníc, či už na objednávku alebo len tak. Preto som sa rozhodla vytvoriť niečo iné - a tu je výsledok :-) Rada kombinujem rôzne farby a hlavne rôzne materiály, na tento kalednár som použila farebné papiere, lepenku, stužky, gombíky, tvrdý papier, noviny, vzorované lepiace pásky, špagát, nálepky, čipky, vzorovaný papier, umelé kvety a možno ešte viac :-)
Vďaka za vaše postrehy a komentáre, veľmi si to cením!


  1. Hi Lucia, thanks for your lovely comment! Your blog is terrific too! Hope you can enjoy my freebies in your card making somehow, let me know if you use any I would love to check it out! I am now a follower of your blog too :-) take care and happy crafting xx

  2. Hello and thank you Lucia! Your sweet comment was greatly appreciated and I just joined as a Google Friend so I can follow your blog. :-) I love your calendars and the originality behind each one, crafting is about taking what you have and making something creative from it. Your work is inspiring so please keep going and I can't wait to check out your other posts!
    Blessings to you,
    Lisa S.

  3. Hello Lucia! Thanks for visiting my blog, and your lovely comments. This calendar is great, really refreshing and full of textures. Your cards are nice, too!

    ~ Ü ~ hilda

  4. This is a great project!

    Happy New Year!


Thank you for your comment ♥