13 August 2011

Most recent whishes cards

Ultimamente sono molto presa da questa pazzia di "cardmaking", così ho fabbricato quasi una cartolina per giorno! Eccole qua!
Tu sú najnovšie kúsky, dúfam, že sa vám budú páčiť!
Recently I've made these five cards. I hope you'll like them. Tell me what you think!

Thank you for visiting!


  1. hey lucia !
    m so glad you left a comment on my blog
    you inspired me .. thankyou for your kind words .
    you are from italy . that is such a beautiful place ... i would love to go to italy sometime .
    m glad you came to my blog
    thanx again
    i m now following you .. hope to see you again on my blog


Thank you for your comment ♥