08 January 2012

Notebook boom!

Recently my favourite thing to create are various notebooks, journals and diaries! I was wondering why ... and I think that it is because I have re-discovered my love for noteses from my childhood. The best gift I could receive was some colorful and beautiful notes and a set of pens or pencils. And now I can CREATE them! Well, I think I've found out what is my favourite item to create :-)
A prišla som na to, čo najradšej vytváram! Zápisníky! Už odmalička ma fascinovali rôzne farebné diáre a denníčky, mojou jedinou starosťou bolo vymyslieť čo si do ktorého budem písať :-) A teraz môžem vytvárať vlastné! Tu sú niektoré z nich:


  1. Hello Lucia!
    Thank you for visiting my blog and being a follower. I see that you're also a budding crafter. I just started cardmaking. I also make invitations for all occasions, but cardmaking brings out my inner artist :-) The diary you made is really nice. You can also make wedding guestbooks like that, and sell them! :-) PLease visit often and hope to see more of your posts!


  2. Wow, I reckoned that all of your notes is fantastic. I like your style that is turning o"recycled materials" into wonderful things. It somehow creates those magical feeling everytime i loo at them. Your creativity is amazing, Lucia. I thank you as well for your interest in viewing my arts and being a follower. Hope to see more of your post.. :)

    Levana from Indonesia

  3. Lucia - thanks for becoming a follower of my blog :) I am now following you too. I love these journal/diary/notebooks you make! They are sooo cute! I need to see how you do this - they seem very simple, which is perfect for me :)

  4. I really like these diaries. I should make some of my own, as I have so much left over paper in pastel colours that I don't use for crafting.

    I really enjoy you blog every time I visit. Your style is fabulous. I always struggled with texts /sentiments on my cards as I haven't much stamps and don't like my hand writing. Your cards help me to get the thing with combining different styles of letters. Now I collect words and letters from magazines and try to use them...

  5. Your notebooks are wonderful! I love altering the covers of bargain notepads, but never thought to make my own! I love the lettering on these!

  6. Lucia, so glad to see all the new posts on your blog. I love your notebooks and the layout of your time in Paris with Alex.
    Hugs to you from Tennessee,
    Lisa S.


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