06 September 2013

september sketch challenge at LPS

hello september! (and bye-bye summer...)

Here' s my first blog post about LPS challenge on my new website :)

And here's my layout! It's a page about friendship - I've used Elle's Studio's journaling tag, AC thickers, some tissue paper, embelishments, white thread, white cardstock and chevron 12x12 paper (that I don't remember which mark it is, hehe) and a picture of my friends and me in Rome. It's from Easter 2 years ago. How I MISS those times!!!

So, here's also this month's sketch. Complete a layout using this sketch, upload it to lifepaperscrapbook.com and you are in for a chance to win! Check also the LPS blog post to see all those wonderful creations of other DT members and get some inspiration! ;)

This month's sponsor is POLY! SCRAPS, who is giving our winner a free Project Life kit.

PLUS, they will invite one person to be a guest designer for an upcoming kit!

(find out more about the prize on LPS' blog)


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