12 March 2016


You might have noticed already ... Yes, I have a new web design - again! I guess I will never get tired of redesigning my page/blog and that's OK. Although I offer a basic blog design, I can spend HOURS on changing bits and pieces on my own blog, reading tutorials, playing with the code, trying new things... And it took me really long this time! I didn't count the hours but I know I was going to bed very late three days in a row. And I can't really sleep in, because every morning there is a hungry cat meowing at my bed, begging for food. 
But it's done and I'm happy with how it looks like! What do you think?
PS: I would really love to be more organized with blogging, too, and post regularly, like every Tuesday and Saturday afternoon... let's see how long this one lasts :-) Happy Sunday!

1 comment:

  1. I read your each and every blogs, its always great to change the website design. I have recently changed my website design by hiring one of the best
    white label website design services
    providers. Anyway keep up the good work


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