08 May 2012


It's been a long time I didn't blog. I have been busy these days, working, creating an 8x8 album for a friend, seeing friends...or just being lazy :) But the main reason Ididn't have time to blog is that I have started an e-course about surface pattern design! That is the most exciting part! I feel like I've finally found what I really want to do! Like I have finally a dream, something I want to reach, something that kids say they want to become when they grow up... Oh yeah, after YEARS of looking for something I would love to do in my life, after YEARS of doing so many different jobs in order to find the right one (oh, I did babysitting, receptionist, cleaning, shop assistant, translater, I even gave piano lessons :-D) I can officialy tell you that 
I want to become a surface pattern designer! :) 
(and I hope I will not change my mind this time, hehe)
Well, we have only started the third week of the course, but I'm loving it so much! It feels like it has always been there, it just took me long time to discover it. We've been sketching a lot, here are some of my first pictures of my sketchbook and the sketches that are pretty simple as I am only a beginner :

My sketchbook.
Full of colorful and inspirational pictures from magazines.
One of my first sketches.
Left handed drawing and painting.
Some floral patterns.
Can't wait to learn more and share it with you! I will be posting soon some picture of the mini album I'm currently working on and I hope I will find some time for some scrapbook page, too! May is here and brings lots of new challenges! :-)
Hugs to each one of you! 
xxx Lucia xxx


  1. WOW Lucia, your sketch is awesome and has me thinking that you would make a wonderfully talented stamp designer. You could design stamps, among other things, and turn it into a fabulous career & business.
    You are the captain of your destiny so two words, CARPE DIEM!
    Thanks for your sweet comment on my last post, big hugs to you.

  2. i never know the use of adobe shadow until i saw this post. thank you for this! this is very helpful. logo design


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