08 February 2016

birthday quote card tutorial

This month's tutorial for Papero Amo is a birthday quote card. I made it for a special friend :) so I wanted it to be special. I came up with this kind of a mini book with quotes inside. Here's a quick step-by-step tutorial, enjoy!

1. Prepare the card base - mine is half of a "Studio Calico Seven Paper" 12x12 patterned paper.

2. Prepare a few white copy paper pieces folded in half - these will make the "book pages" of the card :)

3. Type in or write down the quotes onto the pages...

4. ... and saw them inside the card using bakers twine or any other twine, string or thread.

5. Finish by embellishing the front page (I'm using Dear Lizzy golden puffy sticker and a rasin white flower, veeeery simple).
And the card is ready! Well - I added a little wish on the last page ;)

Hope you enjoyed this little tutorial and the idea... and let me tell you that my friend LOVED the card! 
Have a great day lovelies!


  1. Lucka, je to prekrásne! Totálne skvelý nápad a musím sa priznať, že som si pomyslela, že niečo také by bolo milým darčekom pre môjho priateľa k nášmu blížiacemu sa výročiu :) Taká miniknižočka s citátmi a vyznaniami. Ďakujem za inšpiráciu :)

  2. Beautiful, love this little card.


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